Searchable S3 Snapshots - availability?

Earlier today during Elasticon East Q&A, there was discussion on object storage for storing snapshots such as in S3. Going forward there was plan to make it searchable on S3 based snapshots (new "Frozen" data tier). Is there timeframe when this would be GA? If not will there be an early release available to use in test environments?

No, there is no confirmed timeframe for bringing this feature to GA. It's possible that a version will be available for testing before GA, but again nothing is confirmed here.

Thanks David. Sure would like to get my hands on an early beta/alpha version for internal testing. Would like to test searchable snapshots on a S3 fast object storage. Do let me know when it is available.

I doubt I will remember to do so, sorry. If you hold a commercial license then you'll want to talk to your sales or support folks about this, otherwise you'll need to watch for further announcements.

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