Securing self-managed ELK (Keystore file does not exist)

Hi new to the forum. I'm trying to implement a self-managed Elastic Stack using this guide:

But when i arrive at Step 1 part 6, I am able to run the command and receive a "Certificate was added to the keystore" but when i run the next command: "keytool -keystore elastic-stack-ca.p12 -list", I'm met with: "keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Keystore file does not exist: elastic-stack-ca.p12". I get the same message if i list the entire filepath "/etc/elasticsearch/certs/elastic-stack-ca.p12".

An ls command to the directory does show the elastic-stack-ca.p12 file so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Added Screenshot snippet