Security_tenant in dashboard url when sharing or embedding missing in latest version

In version 7.2, when I shared an embedded URL of a dashboard, it included the parameter
kibana?security_tenant=tenantName#. The users were able to be logged as another tenant and see the dashboard.
In the latest version, 7.9, the parameter is missing and the users need to be logged as that particular tenant to be able to see the dashboard.
Is there a way for the tenant to be added to the URL?


<iframe src="https://localhost/app/kibana?security_tenant=tenantName#/dashboard/759ec760-c535-11ea-982b-250ae9418de2?embed=true&_g=(refreshInterval%3A(pause%3A!t%2Cvalue%3A0)%2Ctime%3A(from%3Anow-15y%2Cto%3Anow))" height="600" width="800"></iframe>

<iframe src="http://localhost/app/dashboards#/view/759ec760-c535-11ea-982b-250ae9418de2?embed=true&_g=(filters%3A!()%2CrefreshInterval%3A(pause%3A!t%2Cvalue%3A0)%2Ctime%3A(from%3Anow-15m%2Cto%3Anow))" height="600" width="800"></iframe>

Hey @DMinovski,

Our security features don't have a parameter called security_tenant. Are you using a third-party plugin for authentication, such as SearchGuard, or an alternative distribution of Kibana, such as Amazon's Elasticsearch Service (OpenDistro)?

If so, you'll unfortunately need to contact them for support of this feature, as it's not something that we are knowledgable in.


Thanks for the reply. Yes, I'm using an alternative distribution of Kibana. I will mark your answer as the solution.

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