Hello all,
I am new on the field and I could use some help
Let's assume I have one index and one type and a list of documents within this type which include the following fields.
-- command_name
-- context_id
-- Other fields...
I can have a number of documents having the same context_id but different command name (relationship one to many). Example:
"context_id" : "1"
"command_name" Command_1
"context_id" : "1"
"command_name" Command_2
"context_id" : "1"
"command_name" Command_3
"context_id" : "2"
"command_name" Command_3
"context_id" : "2"
"command_name" Command_1
"context_id" : "2"
"command_name" Command_4
"context_id" : "3"
"command_name" Command_1
"context_id" : "3"
"command_name" Command_2
"context_id" : "3"
"command_name" Command_3
In this case I would like my query to return.
I have in total 2 sets. with the following population:
Set1 = (Command_1, Command_2, Command_3) with population 2 ( seen in 2 contexts (with id 1 and 3))
Set2 = (Command_1, Command_3, Command_4) with population 1 ( seen in 1 contexts (with id 2))
Am I able to query this information from Elastic and Visualise this information on Kibana?
Many thanks in advance for spending time on this.
Regards, Telis.