Setting Default refreshInterval value to 30 seconds and isRefreshPaused to false in kibana 7.4.2

I want to set default value of refresh to 30 seconds and paused button to stop state initially. Please
suggest how to achieve this by making changes in kibana code base and
From where we are getting these default values ?

Currently -
default refresh value is 0 seconds.

This can be configured under management -> advanced settings

Instead of setting it through advance settings, Can i set it through elastic search.

Can i set it through Elasticsearch

No, you can not set an advanced setting directly in Elasticsearch.

Kibana does use an API to set advanced settings. Use these docs Using the APIs | Kibana Guide [7.6] | Elastic to make the http request.
The endpoint is api/kibana/settings and the payload looks like

  "changes": {
    "timepicker:refreshIntervalDefaults": "{\"pause\": true,\"value\": 30}"

thanks @Nathan_Reese

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