Show data from start 'til end

Hi guys,

I want to make a line chart which y-axis data are depending on the x-axis data.
My x-axis is based on the @timestamp and I want to compare a field with the different
values of the x-axis. (Better description at the next comment :wink: )

Is there a possibility to do that?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


Can you be more explicit in this? What exactly is the dependence between the x and y-axis data? Maybe add some examples?

Thank you!


I have data with a start- and a end-time.
The end-time is unknown first when the JSON's incoming.
I now want to display the data from the start until the end time.
Is this possible?


Other then setting an absolute range where you know that documents will appear from the timepicker, there isn't a way to fit bounds to data. You can open an enhancement request here:
and the developers will give it a look.

Thanks a lot, Marius. :pray:t4:

Issue #14488

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