With the recent decommission of Mapquest functionality with Kibana, I have been researching other WMS compliant maps. Leading me to a few questions;
Is there a list of maps that are compliant with Kibana 4.5? I want to try a few and see which best-fits our business needs.
If there currently no list of maps, what do I need to verify for a map to be compatible with Kibana?
We have our own internal mapping system, that is OMS compliant, are there any good resources for a how-to with regards to making it work with Kibana?
The precision appears to be a bit off, is there anything I can do to fine-tune this? In screenshot provided below, the circle should be on an intersection and not off to the side.. it appears as though this map is using a best-fit function to fit the circle to a grid.. is there anything I can do to increase precision?
I found what I believe to be the reasoning for (4.) the precision..
The coordinates are as precise as we need, however a geohash is manifested from this data. The geohash appears to be as precise as what is defined in the map. A comparison from a precise map (geohash.gofreerange.com) is compared with my current map in Kibana (http://ows-tile.terrestris.de/osm-basemap/service?) below, showing tiles that exactly match. However the precise map will allow for more characters (and thus more precision, as seen with the nested boxes).
[Solved] -- it turns out the map precision wasn't the issue.. I was able to increase precision by adding to mapping for this object: "geohash_precision": 9, "type": "geo_point", "geohash_prefix": true
That increases precision for Elasticsearch, however Kibana also needs precision updated in the advanced settings. Updating the precision for both of these services has increased precision as expected.
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