I am trying to understand basic usage of the WHERE clause in Elasicsearch SQL queries.
I loaded the shakespeare dataset from https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/tutorial-load-dataset.html
While I am able to use the WHERE clause on integer fields, I can't do the same with keyword fields, as shown below. What is the right usage of the WHERE clause for keyword fields?
Thank you.
root@bef0601e3d30:/# curl -d '{"query":"select * from shakespeare where speech_number=2 limit 5"}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' elastic:9200/_xpack/sql?format=txt
line_id | line_number | play_name | speaker | speech_number | text_entry | type
38 |1.1.35 |Henry IV |WESTMORELAND |2 |And many limits of the charge set down |line
40 |1.1.37 |Henry IV |WESTMORELAND |2 |A post from Wales loaden with heavy news; |line
46 |1.1.43 |Henry IV |WESTMORELAND |2 |Upon whose dead corpse there was such misuse,|line
37 |1.1.34 |Henry IV |WESTMORELAND |2 |My liege, this haste was hot in question, |line
47 |1.1.44 |Henry IV |WESTMORELAND |2 |Such beastly shameless transformation, |line
root@bef0601e3d30:/# curl -d '{"query":"select * from shakespeare where speaker='WESTMORELAND' limit 5"}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' elastic:9200/_xpack/sql?format=txt
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"verification_exception","reason":"Found 1 problem(s)\nline 1:41: Unknown column [WESTMORELAND]"}],"type":"verification_exception","reason":"Found 1 problem(s)\nline 1:41: Unknown column [WESTMORELAND]"},"status":400}root@bef0601e3d30:/#