To create a custom plugin, I
- I cloned the kibana git hub repo
- yarn kbn bootstrap ----> was successful
Now to connect to Elasticsearch, I can either use
Option: 1
yarn es snapshot
-> results in error (Elasticsearch snapshot for starting Kibana as a developer)
Option: 2
I already have an elasticsearch instance running. So I can connect kibana to the same by making necessary changes in config/kibana.yml
server.port: 5601 "<ip-address>"
elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://<ip-address>:9200"]
yarn start --allow-root
This takes forever to execute.... it doesn't stop.... after doing around 135 tasks, now shows waiting for changes. Doesn't show the Kibana service has started in http://ip-address:5601
When I do curl http://:5601 -> I don't get an output but at least no connection refused error