I'm trying to run diagnostics-8.2.6 on my ES node running on Openshift 4.6 with Elastic Stack version 7.16.2.
The command being used is:
./diagnostics.sh --host logging-es --port 9200 --type local -u ayush.mathur --ssl --pkiKeystore ../cert/my-keystore.jks --bypassDiagVerify
However, it's failing with below response:
Using /usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk//bin/java as Java Runtime
Using -Xms256m -Xmx2000m for options.
2022-01-11 09:09:46,005 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "diag" for logger config "root"
Processing diagnosticInputs...
Closing loggers.
Archiving diagnostic results.
Archive: -20220111-090946.zip was created
Couldn't create zip archive. Trying tar.gz
Archive: -20220111-090946.tar.gz was created
Couldn't create tar.gz archive.
Fatal error occurred: Couldn't create zip and tar.gz archives.. Check diagnostics.log in the archive file for more detail.
There is no diagnostics.log file generated and all the archives are empty. Can someone please point me to the right direction ?