Timelion multiple queries

.es(index="******",timefield='@updated',metric=avg:mempool_used,q='species.keyword : "mempools" AND device_id: 18 AND mempool_descr.keyword : "Routing Engine"',kibana=true).lines(width=1, stack=true, fill=1).yaxis(label="Memory Usage", min=0).color(#307cd9).title('Memory Usage').fit(carry).label('Memory Used'),
.es(index="******",timefield='@updated',metric=avg:mempool_free,q='species.keyword : "mempools" AND device_id: 18 AND mempool_descr.keyword : "Routing Engine"',kibana=true).lines(width=1, stack=true, fill=1).yaxis(label="Memory Usage (bytes/ sec)", min=0).color(#69f542).title('Memory Usage').fit(carry).label('Memory Free')

This is my timelion query.
I am having 2 query to get the used and free values for a device from my index.And the graphs are getting properly.But the issue here is
For used values it is coming from zero-19/20, but the free value is starting its base value from the maximum value of used value.
Eg:- Used value is plotted from 0 and free value is not plotted from zero.

Hi @Anirudhan, thanks for the interest in Kibana,

I'm not really sure I completely understood your request. From what I'm seeing you are visualising two series, one related to the used memory and another for the free memory of a specific device. These series are stacked, so that mean that the first one will start from zero and the second one will start on top of the other series (stacked).
What is your request? Do you want to visualize each series starting from zero? if so you can just disable/remove the stack parameter in your timelion expression.

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