To change the Kibana name to InternalThreats

Hello, i need yr help please, i'm a new member of wazuh, i've just follow the wzush online document 2.0 guide for system installation. The installation was done, i saw the "Management / Kibana" when click on Index Patterns button under Management Tab, when i click on Index Patterns tab it showing "Management / Kibana" , how to change from "Management / Kibana" to "Management / InternalThreats" [no results found]. May you help me ?

In screen shot two marked with red color, what i am going to change name Kibana to InternalThreats .

kibana version 5.6.3
wazuh ---2.1


There isn't a built in way that Kibana supports. I'm not familiar with wazuh so it's possible there's an integration that I'm not aware of.

You'll have to modify the Kibana source to change the title, the area you would be looking for is here

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