Hello Elastic-Community,
I get data like this:
Document 1:
Data.name: Total pieces,
Data.value: 60,
timestamp: 12:00
Document 2:
Data.name: Good pieces,
Data.value: 58,
timestamp: 12:00
Now I want to visualize the differenz of the two values (60-58 = 2) in a TSVB.
I tried to use the "Math"-Aggregation, but my problem is that the Data-Field of "Total pieces" and "Good pieces" are called the same.
Can I somehow define a filter for each aggregation, because then i could do it like this:
Aggregation 1: (Total pieces)
Average of Data.value
Filter: Data.name: "Total pieces"
Aggregation 2: (Good pieces)
Average of Data.value
Filter: Data.name: "Good pieces"
Aggregation 3: