Types not created in Marvel indices

I have installed the 2.3.5 version of the Marvel Agent on two Elasticsearch nodes, also version 2.3.5.

I also have Kibana 4.5.3 with the Marvel Plugin and Elasticsearch 2.3.5 installed on a separate server. Kibana keeps telling me that "No Marvel Data Found".

When looking at the logs on the server with the Marvel Agent I see a lot of this error message:
[2016-08-25 12:52:38,485][ERROR][marvel.agent.exporter.http] create failure (index:[.marvel-es-1-2016.08.25] type: [node_stats]): {reason=Field name [roles.0] cannot contain '.', type=mapper_parsing_exception}

It looks like the agent is trying to send data with dots in the field name.

What is going on? How can I get the agent to send proper data?

Thanks in advance, Gunnar

Hi Gunnar,

Is it possible to get a copy of your templates?

$ curl -XGET localhost:9200/_template?pretty -o templates.json

Feel free to just add them to a GitHub Gist, then remove them when we're done.
