Unable to create index patterns in kibana

hello ,
we have installed EFK stack in kubernetes using the helm chart efk-stack.But there is a issue that sometimes its not possible to create a index pattern in kibana. Even if it succeeds the Index pattern gets deleted after some time.

NAME            REVISION        UPDATED                         STATUS          CHART                 APP VERSION      NAMESPACE
invited-boxer   1               Fri Nov  1 06:03:32 2019        DEPLOYED        elasticsearch-0.1.0                    devops


NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
invited-boxer-elasticsearch-logging-0          1/1     Running   0          8h
invited-boxer-elasticsearch-logging-1          1/1     Running   0          8h
invited-boxer-fluentd-es-8bhrf                 1/1     Running   0          8h
invited-boxer-fluentd-es-cbrz2                 1/1     Running   0          8h
invited-boxer-fluentd-es-p6526                 1/1     Running   0          8h
invited-boxer-kibana-logging-f885c8d88-wr827   1/1     Running   0          8h

Can you provide more details for "sometimes its not possible to create a index pattern in kibana". What is preventing you from creating index patterns? Are errors displayed?

What does your environment look like? Is elasticsearch instance getting moved around/re-created? Are there other users of the system that may have deleted Kibana's index?

"Are errors displayed?"
Please check the screen shot, Index created

when i try to visualize data it says to create one

But its already ther

"What does your environment look like? "
k8s cluster just started to explore logs
"Is elasticsearch instance getting moved around/re-created? "
"Are there other users of the system that may have deleted Kibana's index?"
At the moment only couple of us using and none deleted the Kibana's index?

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