I have a fresh install of ES 2.0 with the latest versions of Kibana and Marvel. I am able to hit Kibana and navigate without issue. I am able to use the new (page switcher?) to switch from Kibana to Marvel and I see my overview cluster stats. However, when I attempt to click on the cluster in attempt to drill into the indices/nodes data, there is no action and I get the following error from Chrome dev tools:
Error: Could not locate that index-pattern (id: [.marvel-es-]YYYY.MM.DD)
at applyESResp (marvel.bundle.js:41944)
at wrappedCallback (commons.bundle.js:38613)
at commons.bundle.js:38699
at Scope.$eval (commons.bundle.js:39742)
at Scope.$digest (commons.bundle.js:39554)
at Scope.$apply (commons.bundle.js:39846)
at done (commons.bundle.js:35381)
at completeRequest (commons.bundle.js:35595)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (commons.bundle.js:35534)
Here are my indices:
curl 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open .kibana 1 1 3 0 47kb 21.3kb
green open .marvel-es-data 1 1 1 0 7.1kb 3.5kb
green open logstash-2015.11.05 5 1 868404 0 403.5mb 202mb
green open .marvel-es-2015.11.06 1 1 108949 130 80.7mb 40.3mb
green open logstash-2015.11.06 5 1 12950403 0 24gb 12gb
Is there an index I need to create manually?
Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks.