Unable to fetch mapping debian server


I have installed ELK in a debian server and I have this issue when I´m trying to index my data.

I have read many solutions and I tried the majority of the solutions.

I tried to change the ES port and doesnt work.
I tested this configuration in my personal computer (windows) and works..

Can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance

can you share your logstash file here?

I found the error, the problem was in the kibana.yml config file. The only that I did is uncomment this line

elasticsearch.url: "http://*********:9200"

Given your server is open to the internet, you may want to edit that last post and remove your IP.

Also, don't expose your ES cluster to the internet.

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Thanks! Was a mistake! =S

It's always a mistake to place services on the internet without protection!

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