Unable to generate client certificate for fluentd from elasticsearch cluster 8.0.0

hi Team ,

this is in continuation from the question raised for v8 elastic and kibana installation

i was successfully able to create 5 node cluster and kibana, but since we have fluentd aggregator , i was unable to send data to elastic cluster as i placed the http_ca.crt certificate from elastic in fluentd instance, i faced below issue.

now i did not place the node certificates since i was not able to generate from elastic as the below link specifiy only 3 certificates


command below needs ca.key (which was missing)

bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca-cert ca_cert_path --ca-key ca_key_path --pem --in instances.yml --out certs.zip 

please let me know how i can enable tls in fluentd with http_ca.cert?
do i need any other parameter? i was able to generate manually configuring security but with the enrollment token approach , i am not sure , how to enable clients to send data securely to elastic.

Please share exact configuration and exact error messages. As said in the previous post you opened, it is really hard for anyone to help if you don’t provide enough information.

How did you try to use the http_ca.crt in the fluentd configuration and what exactly was the error

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