Unable to install discovery-ec2 plugin


I am trying to install the discovery-ec2 plugin for ES 2.0 and for some reason it seems it cannot find the plugin in the ES repository.

I am running the following command:

sudo ./bin/plugin install discovery-ec2 --verbose

however I keep getting this:

-> Installing discovery-ec2...
Trying https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/plugin/discovery-ec2/2.0.0/discovery-ec2-2.0.0.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/plugin/discovery-ec2/2.0.0/discovery-ec2-2.0.0.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/plugin/discovery-ec2/2.0.0/discovery-ec2-2.0.0.zip];
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information

Where can I get the latest ES 2.0 compatible plugin?

Read the doc! :stuck_out_tongue:


bin/plugin install cloud-aws
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Not sure how I missed that, I was misled by another post somewhere I believe. Many thanks

You probably missed it the same way I did. I read the docs for the master instead of for 2.x.