Unable to install Timelion on Ubuntu 14.04

I've followed the tutorial How To Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK Stack) on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean to install ELK in a Ubuntu machine and its working fine.
Then I've tried to install timelion using " ./bin/kibana plugin -i kibana/timelion" but the process is killed every time I try it and Elasticsearch service is stopped.

./bin/kibana plugin -i kibana/timelion
Installing timelion
Found previous install attempt. Deleting...
Attempting to extract from https://download.elastic.co/kibana/timelion/timelion-latest.tar.gz
Downloading 3381940 bytes....................
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...

Can anyone please help me?

Note: I have installed kibana 4.3.1 and Elasticsearch 2.1.1

Best regards,


Did you break the command via ctrl+C or something? Or did it exit on it's own saying "Killed"?

That Optimizing and caching browser bundles can take a good amount of time, especially on a low powered machine with a small amount of RAM. If you killed it... don't ;). Just give it some time to run, it'll only run that one time as you're installing the plugin, so just be patient.

Hi Joe,
Thanks for the help.
I didn't killed it. Is just existed on it's own.
I've increased the server memory from 512M to 2G and the plugin was installed.

Best regards,

Glad you got it working.

Right now, if you need to install this on a machine with less memory, our recommendation is that you can install the plugin on a larger machine (your local machine, for instance), and then upload that "built" version to your server. That step only needs to run that one time, at installation.

I know we've had other users run in to the huge memory requirements for re-optimizing in the past as well. I don't see an open issue about it on github, but it's probably worth talking about long-term plans and looking in to reducing the memory requirements so this can be run on smaller systems...