Unable to send CSV data through email notification

Hi Team,

I am unable to send the email notification with kibana generated CSV report actual data , its having some meta data information like index name and other columns name .
I am using below reqeust ,

PUT _xpack/watcher/watch/ReportCSVWithOutData


"trigger": {

"schedule": {

  "interval": "1h"



"actions": {

"email_admin": {

  "email": {

    "to": "'abc@abc.com'",

    "subject" : "abc",

    "body" : "abc",

    "attachments": {

      "errorReport_attachment.csv": {

        "http": {

          "content_type": "application/pdf",

          "request": {

            "method": "POST",

            "headers": {

              "kbn-xsrf": "reporting"


            "read_timeout": "300s",

            "scheme": "http",

            "url": "CSV Generated url"









I am using elk 6.4.3V .


you should use the reporting attachment within the email action. This currently also supports only PDF, but not CSV.


Thanks Alex.
One query in PDF entire report is not coming , only first screen captured (for example : in my report i am having 50 rows , but in PDF its showing only first page only approximately 10 rows)

is the PDF fully rendered if you trigger it within kibana?

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