If it's just replicas you want, you can add them to searchable snapshots just like regular indices: just set the index setting index.number_of_replicas or index.auto_expand_replicas.
If you want to move it back to a regular index for some other reason, you can restore the snapshot that sits behind the searchable snapshot index: it's just a normal snapshot. I believe the resulting index won't be ILM-managed however.
when looking in snapshots & restore page inKIbana, the original index name it's not in the last snaphot indices list,
instead there is another one: restored-{original-index-name*}, which also exists in the cluster's indices of course, and have the original name as an alias.
I guess that means, that it was restored automatically during a search?
how can I know it includes the entire original data of the index, as I've read in the documentation, that there can be a partial restore or a full- depends on the search query.
my goal is to restore the original index back to the cold tier
Yes, use the restore snapshot API. I'm not familiar with the UI in Kibana but I imagine you can do it through that too.
The snapshot always contains everything, and a regular restore will always copy everything into the cluster. The partial-vs-full thing only applies to searchable snapshot indices, not the underlying snapshot.
the issue I'm having is the the original index doesn't appear in the snapshot, but another version of it: "restored-[original index name]", which also exists in the cluster
when trying to restore I get an error
cannot restore index [restored-.....-000009] because an open index with same name already exists in the cluster. Either close or delete the existing index or restore the index under a different name by providing a rename pattern and replacement name
Oh I see. The snapshot that backs the searchable snapshot index is identified in its index settings, so GET /restored-...-000009/_settings?flat_settings should tell you what you need to restore.
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