Upgrade Kibana from 6.0.0 to 6.1.1

We are trying to upgrade Elasticsearch from 6.0.0 to 6.1.1.
After shutting down Elasticsearch and kibana services (6.0.0) and initiating elasticsearch.bat (6.1.1), while trying to run kibana.bat (6.1.1) it is giving below error.

"log [09:03:20.895] [error][status][plugin:elasticsearch@6.1.1] Status change
from yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.1.1 on all nodes.
I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v6.0.0 @ ("

We tried changing elastic.yml (6.1.1) to have a new port instead of old port and then tried running kibana by pointing it to this new port (kibana.yml on 6.1.1, say 9222). We still get the same error and kibana service still goes back to, which is the old port we used with elasticsearch 6.0.0. When we manually invoke this old address (on old port) on browser, we are getting a response json with version number 6.0.0. But pls note we turned off elasticsearch 6.0.0 before we did this all and wondering why the service is still active on the old port.

We also tried to search for pid of the service on old port 9200 and kill the process but we get 'not-authorized' error. And this service is not listed in our windows task manager.

Please help get rid of this issue.


Is it possible you have a process manager that is starting the services back up?

When we manually invoke this old address (on old port) on browser, we are getting a response json with version number 6.0.0

Then it's running 6.0, and not 6.1.1.

When we access url, we get json file with version as '6.0.0'.
And when we access url, we get json file with version as '6.1.1'. And this is after we end elasticsearch 6.0.0 service and start elasticsearch 6.1.1 service (6.1.1 with new port number in elastic.yml).

Some one please help. We still face this issue.

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