Upgrade security index while ES upgrade from version 7 to 8

I am working on in-place ES version upgrade from ES version 7.17 to ES 8.14, however I am blocked at a place as I see that .security-6 exist in the current cluster, and I am not sure how to upgrade this index in production with zero downtime, and what will be the process to upgrade this security index to .security-7?

can someone please help me here?

Hi @abhadauria[,

How are you upgrading from 7.17 to 8.14? Are you using the Upgrade Assistant as recommended in the documentation? For 6.x indices, which this will will be, you can use the archive functionality to import it.

Hope that helps!

thank you for responding @carly.richmond, I am not using upgrade assistant, but following manual steps to reindex older indices and trying to do the same for the security index, is there any way how I can create the upgraded security index(.security-7) and re-index the data from older version, or do we have any documentation, if ES can create new security index, if previous one is closed/missing?

Is there a reason for that? It is the recommended solution to the problem you are facing.

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thanks for all the help here @carly.richmond @TimV , we were able to upgrade the security index using upgrade assistant, however we had to upgrade kibana in our clusters, as we do not use kibana for our prod clusters.