Good morning!
We just recently spun up a second Kibana instance and threw both behind a load-balancer for HA. We previously accessed Kibana via
, but now with the second server of
, the idea is to access Kibana simply via
with the port redirected/masked. Unfortunately, this seems to have broken any URLs that are specified in Index Patterns (does not appear to affect URLs in MarkDown visualizations).
We have many fields in Index Patterns that are set to URL formats that take you to specific places in Kibana. For instance, is a URL to a dashboard with details on the host. The exact URL template I have specified for in one Index Pattern is ./dashboards#/view/bba48ba0-912d-61na-9b02-331q73beaf05?_a=(query:(language:kuery,query:'"{{value}}"'))
and the value of Label template is {{value}}
. This used to work perfectly fine, but now behind the load-balancers, clicking the URL generated by this automatically appends the port :5601
to the URL, but the load-balancer is not accepting the URL with the port specified.
I am working with my networking team to see if there is something they can do on their end to either allow port 5601, or to strip the port off any requests, but I am also curious as to why Kibana seems to be doing this on Index Pattern URLs, but not MarkDown URLs when they are both defined with the same relative URL.
Would appreciate any feedback on this!
Thank you,