URL templating for Drilldowns using required field from the dashboard filters

Hi Team,

We are trying to create a drilldown using URL templating to link two dashboards. But while moving from one dashboard to other we need to carry one particular field(recon_key) which is added in the filters to be carried as a filter to the other dashboard but not all the filters which are added. Could you please suggest us how to select a particular field from the filters to be carried ignoring other filters. Note: The users might select the filters randomly so that we cannot use filters offset to carry the recon_key from the filter.

For example:
From the below URL there are 3 filters added 1. Primary_sourceSystemId:OMS_SAPMENA
2. Secondary_sourceSystemId:SHP_ASEAN
3. recon_key: 24121619XXXXX(Sample value but the url should take the value what ever it has)
Out of these filters we need to take only recon_key to go to the other dashbord. Please suggest.


Can someone please help me with this request.

Can someone please help me with this request.

@venkatkumar229 Unfortunately, your specific request is not currently possible. Drilldowns are designed to either take all filters or no filters, and we don't have an option to configure a specific subset. As a workaround, you could pin your recon_key filter (i.e. make it a global filter) and then it would follow you across all of Kibana?

If that workaround doesn't work for you, please feel free to make a feature request so that we can better prioritize this :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Hannah_Mudge , if i try to pin recon_key after selecting a particular value from the dashboard. All the other filters which i have selected will be flowing to the other dashboards and if i remove filters nothing will be flowing to other dashboard even if i pin them. I will try to raise a feature request as suggested.

Hi @Hannah_Mudge ,

I have raised a feature request for this use case in Git.