Visualize a Counter from MicroMeter with ElasticAPM

Im trying out a simple counter with MicroMeter. I have 4 instances of the same application running on k8s and each of them has a counter "counter-example" which they increment.

From what I understand, each increment creates a new document with the new incremented value. This is done for each pod.

Now I want to sum all 4 "counter-example" last values into 1 total value across all instances in a dashboard.

I keep failing as I can't seem to figure out how to do a group-by on last-value and then sum the result.

From what I understand, each increment creates a new document with the new incremented value. This is done for each pod.

We do not capture counter increments, rather we report counter values periodically based on the metrics_interval config - see more in the Micrometer documentation.

I keep failing as I can't seem to figure out how to do a group-by on last-value and then sum the result.

Metric docs should contain a filed, which should be set with the container ID in the case of k8s. So, combining your search for both and should address your needs.

Combining the search on both and service.node.node will give me 4 distinct values right? Each showing the last value of each of the corresponding counters.

In Kibina, I select a TSVB visualization, pick a Table. Here I seem to be able to select the aggregation max for my counter example-counter. This will only show 1 out of the 4 counters I have and there doesnt seem to be a way to sum all 4 counters grouping them by each pod.

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