Weird issue with elastic search with no error in logs

We have FluentD sending logs to elastic search, and we have installed x-pack on Kibana and elastic search. everything works fine and after some time we stop seeing logs in ? what can we check. we have 5.1.2 and 5.1.2 version of Elastic and Kibana. is there anything i can check or see as i don't see anything in the logs neither in kibana/elastic/fluentD. Any help is appreciated here. we will be getting our x-pack licensed soon but our POC needs to be verified and approved. Not sure what is wrong where. Can anyone help or suggest me anything?


Also i have observed one more thing, where after x-pack installation if the default index for that day is created from before the x-pack installation it works fine. but the moment its next day new index is not created. Any help out here guys?


Do you have security enabled? If so, what is the definition of the role(s) FluentD is using when indexing data into Elasticsearch?

@Christian_Dahlqvist thanks for reply. it is using elastic user. it works fine for the whole day. I am thinking it is to do something with "automatic index creation in Elasticsearch" though not sure.


Yes, that could also be the case. What does your elasticsearch.yml file look like?

@Christian_Dahlqvist yeah that was the issue i set it to enable true mode it works. Thanks for your help.


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