Weird issue with keyword field

I'm working on an issue with a client's kibana installation, where no results are returned for a specific keyword entry, but direct queries to elasticsearch do return a result. There are three values in the field; the other two return just fine, just not this one...

ElasticSearch & Kibana version: 6.3.2

Any ideas?

Where in Kibana is this query being generated? What does the query look like? What does the index mapping look like? What does a sample document look like?

Mapping for this field:

    "type" : {
        "type" : "keyword"

The query that kibana generates when I add the filter in either the discover or visualize tabs (see note):

      "query": {
        "match": {
          "type": {
            "query": "distributor-query-error",
            "type": "phrase"

Note: when testing this in postman, this above query yields this error regardless of the value for the type field, but changing "distributor-query-error" to another type does yield results in kibana:

        "error": {
            "root_cause": [
                    "type": "parsing_exception",
                    "reason": "[match] query does not support [type]",
                    "line": 6,
                    "col": 17
            "type": "parsing_exception",
            "reason": "[match] query does not support [type]",
            "line": 6,
            "col": 17
        "status": 400

There are three possible values for this field:

  • distributor-query
  • search-summary
  • distributor-query-error

Sample found document (non-relevant fields stripped):

      "_index": "part-search-2020.03",
      "_type": "_doc",
      "_id": "KroDM3EBoXAaVXXPmOSr",
      "_version": 1,
      "_score": null,
      "_routing": "75fa5b5d-dc89-4f8a-befc-09ff3382241d",
      "_source": {
        "type": "distributor-query",
      "fields": {
        "@timestamp": [
        "submittedOn": [
      "highlight": {
        "type": [
      "sort": [

Sample not found result:

                "_index": "part-search-2020.03",
                "_type": "_doc",
                "_id": "PM6RLnEB3OX02Dcrv6TT",
                "_score": 9.735274,
                "_routing": "c2f0375e-5c95-437f-a0b2-7bad00e40454",
                "_source": {
                    "@timestamp": "2020-03-31T03:10:35.869Z",
                    "errorMessage": "Exception: API Search failed for Company ****. ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: ******Failied with status code 400: Invalid Request - Error(s) in Post Request field(s) - The Keywords field is required..\r\nValidation Errors:\r\n- Keywords: The Keywords field is required.\r\n   at **************.ThrowApiError(String jsonContent) in (Remainder of error message)",
                    "source": "API",
                    "type": "distributor-query-error",
                    "@version": "1",
                    "distributor": "(snipped)",

Here is the search query that does work in postman, as well as in the dev tools tab in kibana; putting the same query into either the discover or visualize tabs in kibana still fails to yield results:

      "query": {
        "match": {
          "type": "distributor-query-error"
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