What is the impact on a live system doing a change in elasticsearch.yml file to change the node.attr.storage_term: to be none?


I run GET /_cat/nodeattrs?v and found that the node have storage_term attribute as cold.
What is the impact on a live system doing a change in elasticsearch.yml file to change the node.attr.storage_term: to be none?

It has no impact, changes on elasticsearch.yml requires a node restart, if you just change the file nothing will happen until you restart the node.

Which node should be restarted?
I have 3 web servers and many other servers in addition to this node.

You need to restart the Elasticsearch service on the node that you want to change the attribute, you do not need to restart the entire server, just the Elasticsearch service that you want to change.

But first you need to make sure that this will not cause any impact, custom attributes are added by the user for their specific use cases.

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