Why is query duration is faster in the 2nd attempt than the initial attempt in Kibana dashboard?


I recently realized that query performance is much better in the 2nd attempt than the initial attempt in Kibana dashboard .

Initial attempt.

Query Duration	5056ms
Request Duration	5257ms
Hits	1863206
Index	"openstack-*"

2nd attempt.

Query Duration	320ms
Request Duration	528ms
Hits	1863245
Index	"openstack-*"

Is there a cache in Query or Fetch phase that stays around for a while after the initial request?
My Kibana and elasticsearch version are both 5.1.1.

Because it caches it after the first time.

Is this cache the priority queue or something else?

No, it's https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.1/shard-request-cache.html#shard-request-cache

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Totally understood . Thanks.

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