X-pack license email triggering

Continuing the discussion from The license: a stab in the dark:

I want to ask whether there is any utility to trigger email before some days of expiration?

Thanks in advance.

Dear Dibyakanta,

You can have details of your current license on your cluster through the API (example result) :

GET _xpack/license
"license": {
"status": "active",
"uid": "...",
"type": "basic",
"issue_date": "2017-00-00T00:00:00.000Z",
"issue_date_in_millis": 140000000000,
"expiry_date": "2018-00-00T23:59:59.999Z",
"expiry_date_in_millis": 1500000000,
"max_nodes": 100,
"issued_to": "name (na)",
"issuer": "Web Form",
"start_date_in_millis": 140000000000

Quick solutions :

  1. With the X-Pack Alert module (paid subscription) you can create a watch to check the expiration date/timestamp and take action if it's expire in next days.
  2. Otherwise you can create a cron script (eg Bash) on your system to check with the API the expiration date.

I don't know if Elastic (the company) send a reminder before the expiration date of each license.

With the use of Watcher, I am able to send email which will be triggered in a given interval.

Creation of Watcher:-
PUT /_xpack/watcher/watch/error_report
"trigger" : {
"schedule": {
"interval": "1s"
"actions" : {
"send_email" : {
"email" : {
"to" : "*@.com",
"subject" : "Watcher Notification",
"body" : "Your license will expire soon"

Retrieves the watch:-
GET /_xpack/watcher/watch/error_report.

But, what I want is to trigger a mail automatically as a reminder before the expiration date of a license.

Thank You.

Ok, you can do it by using alert conditions (between your search and action parts) and compare current date with expiration date.
Tip : You can use the ctx.execution_time value as current time to compare dates

btw after read the manual, there are notifications on event :

"If you’re using X-Pack monitoring and your license will expire within 30 days, a license expiration warning is displayed prominently. Warnings are also displayed on startup and written to the Elasticsearch log starting 30 days from the expiration date. "

Thanks mhgeay. But can you please elaborate me how to use alert conditions.

I read the manual. But where will I get those warnings.
And regarding the logs, as my Xpack is enabled on environment, so I don't have time to see the logs everytime.

Thank you.

In your posted watch, the trigger (when) is too small, should be daily ; then the input is missing (what search) and to apply action (index, email, API...) on specific conditions, use conditions : when the condition(s) is/are true (= met), action will be applied.
You should read the watcher doc and compare conditions doc I linked before. You have good examples on Elastic GitHub repo.

I didn't test my tips/example, so it can be inaccurate.
instead se of ctx.execution_time value, try to use a date variable (<{now+30d}>) in the condition part :

  "condition" : {
    "compare" : {
      "ctx.payload.expiry_date" : {
        "lte" : "<{now+30d}>"

The expiration warning in on Monitoring view as mentioned by Elastic team in the topic you linked :

Today, we show this information at the top of the Monitoring Cluster Overview screen, which you can click to see more details, including a link to the subscriptions page above

Thanks mhgeay.

I tried with the following code including input and condition.

PUT _xpack/watcher/watch/x_pack_report
"trigger" : {
"schedule": {
"interval": "1d"
"actions" : {
"email_admin" : {
"email": {
"to": "recipient.name@xyz.com",
"subject": "x-pack expiry notification",
"body":"Your x-pack license will expire in less than 10 days."
"input" : {
"http" : {
"request" : {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 7200,
"path" : "_xpack/license/",
"auth" : {
"basic" : {
"username" : "xyz",
"password" : "1234"
"condition" : {
"compare" :{ "ctx.payload.license.expiry_date":
"lte": "<{now+10d}>"

Now I am getting the desired results. The mail is triggered when less than 10 days are remaining for x-pack license expiration date.

Thanks a lot for the help.


Good news :wink:

Tip : you can include variable in your mail, so in your case, the expiration date for example :
“body”:“Your x-pack license will expire on {{ctx.payload.license.expiry_date}} (less than 10 days).”


Thanks a lot.

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