You are not authorized to access Monitoring. To use Monitoring, you need the privileges granted by both the `kibana_admin` and `monitoring_user ` roles

Hello World!

I'm trying out eck'quickstart:

and even though I'm logging in as elastic user, which is superadmin, I get the following message when I try to access Kibana'Monitoring app:

Access Denied
You are not authorized to access Monitoring. To use Monitoring, you need the privileges granted by both the kibana_admin and monitoring_user roles.
If you are attempting to access a dedicated monitoring cluster, this might be because you are logged in as a user that is not configured on the monitoring cluster.
Since Cross Cluster Search is enabled (monitoring.ui.ccs.enabled is set to true), make sure your cluster has the remote_cluster_client role on at least one node.

kind: Elasticsearch
  name: dd
  version: 8.10.4
  - name: default
      node.roles: ["master", "data", "ingest", "ml"]
performance cost false
      monitoring.ui.ccs.enabled: false

as soon as I add

  monitoring.ui.ccs.enabled: false

elasticsearch won't even start anymore(

Please advise)
Thank you!

I've added remote_cluster_client to node.role and now able to access the Kibana'Monitoring app :wink:


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