After Licensing - No authentication for users in kibana Apps

Hi everyone,

I am using kibana 5.2.2 and i has reactivated the basic license.

After installing the license and following the guide, the license is activated now, but the authentication page was not found, it just redirects me to the kibana apps without anthentication.

Also, if i go to "management" section, no "users" or "roles" sections are there.

So, it would be probably related to the licensing operation. Indeed, how can i re-add the dafault authentication page for users, the "users" and "roles" sections in "management"?
and any suggestion would be a good fit for my situation.

Best regards

Best regards,

Security is a paid part of the X-Pack -


Thank you so much for replying.

If i understand, and after using a second license, the x-Pack features will be available after subscription.
So, is there any other free Pack for using security or for authentication ?

So, could you please let me know if there is any other free Pack to do it ?

Kind regards,


Security is part of the X-Pack offering . It comes with a 30-day free trial license . Other than this, there is no free Pack as per your question.
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