Bad cluster name - change on the fly possible?

Hi there,
I have a cluster name defined in the elasticsearch.ym defined as follows CLUSTERNAME"
resulting e.g. in:
So, I want to correct this. The cluster is made of 3 production nodes. Is there a way to change a cluster name on-the- fly via an API call and afterwards correct the entry in the elasticsearch.yml? I would then - after having changed the cluster name - and correcting the yml restart each node, one by one.
Or do see a better way?
Thank you for your thoughts on this.

I don't think you can change that on the fly.
I believe you should keep it as is as it just "indicative" or you probably need to change elasticsearch.yml and do a full cluster restart.

But I'd try this procedure in a test environment first as I don't have any idea if this will work, specifically in version 7.x...

Hi David,
from what I konw now, only a full cluster restart with a change in the yml is necessary. No on-the-fly oprtion is available.
kind regards

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