Benchmarking Elasticsearch with Kibana


I have a somewhat slow Elasticsearch 1.7.1 cluster with Kibana 4.1.1 around and I'm trying to do a bit of tuning. To check what effects my changes have I need some way measure the overall performance of the end user experience in terms of dashboard refresh speed.

I'm thinking of using Kibanas share feature to create a dummy website that imports the dashboard as an iframe, but I'm not sure if this speed has anything to do with the Dashboards when viewed in Kibana.

As a humble try I used curl to fetch the URL of a dashboard but all I get is a website reading that Kibana is booting up and being cached.

Could you give me a hint on how to do the measuring?


If KB appears slow then it'll be because ES isn't coping.

This is what Marvel is for :slight_smile:

I thought so, that ES might have some impact on the KB performace. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just wanted to measure overall performance and take a possible slow connection between KB and ES, problems on the KB host, etc. into account. I used the Firefox developer tools to measure the response times and this gave me some valuable hints. Thanks anyway.