Best solution to visualize intermittend data of testruns?

Hey All,

I am currently encountering a problem how to best visualize test run data.

Most test runs take no more than a few hours and run at random times. Each data point contains a timestamp. In my approaches so far, these plot nicely if you now what to look for and where exactly to zoom in on the 24-hour day.

However the visualization I am most interested in would be to have a panel on the dashboard which just covers the time frame of the last test run +- a few minutes to delineate it.
The vast amounts of daytime where no data is recorded are consequently stripped away, as they are uninteresting for me.

Is this feasible, and if so what is the best way?

Cheers !

Added lens

You cannot set up a visualization that skips time ranges, but maybe you can set up a separate visualization that aggregates activity and helps you drill down to the time ranges you are interested in.

Something like a heatmap with a single row or a wide histogram that highilghts spots with your data so your users can click on it to "zoom in" to that interesting spot.

Hope it helps!

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Thank you for your swift response.

I will try this, but I also welcome other approaches in the meantime (so please do not close this issue just yet).

Sure, no worries. I added the lens tag to this post to increase its visibility.

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