Can i change password for elastic user [default user] using kibana dev-tool

please provide api for this

currently i do this

POST /_security/user
  "password" : "s3cr3t"

but error comes

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "invalid_index_name_exception",
        "reason": "Invalid index name [_security], must not start with '_', '-', or '+'",
        "index_uuid": "_na_",
        "index": "_security"
    "type": "invalid_index_name_exception",
    "reason": "Invalid index name [_security], must not start with '_', '-', or '+'",
    "index_uuid": "_na_",
    "index": "_security"
  "status": 400

i also try this

POST /_security/elastic
  "password" : "s3cr3t"

but same error comes

Hi, you are using a wrong URL, try:

PUT _security/user/UserName/_password
"password" : "s3cr3t"


as you told me to do

PUT _security/user/elastic/_password
"password" : "s3cr3t"

but no success

  "error": "no handler found for uri [/_security/user/elastic/_password?pretty] and method [PUT]"

could you try POST? Or another User? If tested it with a "normal" User and for me it works.

but my usecase is to change the passoword for elastic [superuser] using kibana dev-tool .
because my application deployed in production.

Hi @Dragon9,
i tested it now on a test system and the elastic user, it worked.
Please use:

POST /_security/user/elastic/_password
"password" : "YourPassword"

and post the response, if the response is { }, all is fine and the password is changed.

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