Can't list my plugins


I have installed marbel and sense plugins.
Sese plugin seems to work but now marvel.
Marvel says "No Marvel Data Found"

I have googled for solution but not found anything that solved my problem.

Staring elasticsearch it looks like this:
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,508][INFO ][node ] [node1] starting ...
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,509][DEBUG][marvel.agent.collector.cluster] [node1] starting collector [cluster-state-collector]
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,509][DEBUG][marvel.agent.collector.indices] [node1] starting collector [index-stats-collector]
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,509][DEBUG][marvel.agent.collector.shards] [node1] starting collector [shards-collector]
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,509][DEBUG][marvel.agent.collector.indices] [node1] starting collector [indices-stats-collector]
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,509][DEBUG][marvel.agent.collector.cluster] [node1] starting collector [cluster-stats-collector]
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,509][DEBUG][marvel.agent.collector.node] [node1] starting collector [node-stats-collector]
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,509][DEBUG][marvel.agent.collector.indices] [node1] starting collector [index-recovery-collector]
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,511][DEBUG][marvel.cleaner ] [node1] starting cleaning service
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,517][DEBUG][marvel.cleaner ] [node1] cleaning service started
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,559][INFO ][transport ] [node1] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9300}, {}
[2016-09-06 21:33:58,562][INFO ][discovery ] [node1] ES/QXWWcq6gTbCbAkbQqbxQcw
[2016-09-06 21:34:01,619][INFO ][cluster.service ] [node1] new_master {node1}{QXWWcq6gTbCbAkbQqbxQcw}{}{}, reason: zen-disco-join(elected_as_master, [0] joins received)
[2016-09-06 21:34:01,620][DEBUG][marvel.agent.exporter.local] local exporter [default_local] - waiting until gateway has recovered from disk
[2016-09-06 21:34:01,646][INFO ][http ] [node1] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9200}, {}
[2016-09-06 21:34:01,646][INFO ][node ] [node1] started
[2016-09-06 21:34:01,807][INFO ][license.plugin.core ] [node1] license [7bcb22b0-b357-4142-a927-9eae52bd3378] - valid
[2016-09-06 21:34:01,810][ERROR][license.plugin.core ] [node1]
# License will expire on [Thursday, October 06, 2016]. If you have a new license, please update it.
# Otherwise, please reach out to your support contact.
# Commercial plugins operate with reduced functionality on license expiration:
# - marvel
# - The agent will stop collecting cluster and indices metrics
# - The agent will stop automatically cleaning indices older than [marvel.history.duration]

is the ERROR from license.plugin.core the cause?

To me it looks like the logs says marvel plugin is working.
But when I list the plugins I do not see any:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?v
name component version type url

curl 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
health status index          pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size 
red    open   my_first_index   5  30                                                   
yellow open   tada_index       4   1          0            0       636b           636b 
green  open   humm_index       4   0          0            0       636b           636b 
yellow open   .kibana          1   1          5            0     28.8kb         28.8kb 

Why is there no "index .marvel-es-data-1". There should be one shouldn't it?

plugin version is 2.3.2
grep version kibana-4.5.0-linux-x64/installedPlugins/marvel/package.json
"version": "2.3.2",

Br Mathias

I restarted elasticsearch with a new cluster name after upgrading to version 2.4.
I can now see the plugins and the indexes:
> curl 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?v'
> name component version type url
> node1 license 2.4.0 j
> node1 marvel-agent 2.4.0 j

curl 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
health status index                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size 
yellow open   stack                     5   1     398810            0    359.1mb        359.1mb 
yellow open   analyzetest               5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
**yellow open   .marvel-es-1-2016.09.08   1   1         10            0     20.3kb         20.3kb** 
yellow open   .kibana                   1   1          6            0     31.9kb         31.9kb 
yellow open   ngramtest                 5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
**yellow open   .marvel-es-1-2016.09.07   1   1       2342            0    369.8kb        369.8kb** 
yellow open   my-index                  5   1          0            0       795b           795b 

but marvel kibana plugin can still not find any data:
It just says "No Marvel Data Found"

Chaning the displayed time period does not help.

Br Mathias

Are you able to see the Marvel data in the Kibana's Discover app? Are the timestamps on the data current, or is there possibly a time drift on the timestamps of the data and your client machine?

The problem disappeared after making a fresh installation