Canvas workpads white screen


I have not used the canvas workpads for some time but trying to open them now the workpad opens briefly then disappears, no errors. I am on 7.10.1

I migrated them from on prem to the cloud, believe we were on 7.9 when we did the migration but they did open after the migration.


Hey @probson,

Sorry you're having trouble with your canvas workpads. Can you export one of the problematic canvas workpads? Having a copy will help us diagnose this further.

If the workpad contains sensitive information, then we'll want to go through the support channels to have this resolved instead of the community forums.


Hi @Larry_Gregory

Thanks for the offer, however i think i may have found the issue. I decided to go brute force and go back to the onprem version which is 7.10 (cloud was 7.10 and had the same issue). I cloned the workpad and went through deleting elements, export/import to try and find if anything in particular was causing the issue.

The element that causes the issue was a timelion. The index it was using was renamed in the cloud version, i created a new workpad and added the saved timelion element and it did the same with the below error. Within the new canvas i cannot see timelion elements now.

responseText is only available if responseType is '' or 'text'.


I exported the timelion element saved objects, edited them to the correct index, imported, they now work without crashing it out.


Thanks for taking the time to follow up with me, this is helpful feedback.

I exported the timelion element saved objects, edited them to the correct index, imported, they now work without crashing it out.

I want to clarify: was your timelion referencing a Kibana Index Pattern, or was it pointing to an actual index in Elasticsearch? I'm trying to reproduce this error locally so that we can file an issue, and I want to make sure I capture it correctly.

Hi @Larry_Gregory,

It was pointing direct to an ES Index.

.es(q="", index=ecs-index-*).label(time)
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