Change filter for just 1 visualization

Hi Guys,

I created a Dashboard with 3 visualizations in it. All of them were made with the Visual Builder and are "Time Lines".
The first and second visualization shows the CPU Usage grouped by name of all the computers of the unit. It's splitted up: first visualization shows the servers and the second shows the clients.
The third visualization shows all the processes that are running on the computers.

For analyzing the CPU Usage of a computer at a specific time, it would be nice to see these processes that were running on that computer.

Is there any chance of changing the filter for just the third visualization, so that I can only see the processes of the computer I want instead of all processes?
Maybe with a Markdown?

Thank you for your answers.

Best regards
Yannic :slight_smile:

Hi Yannic,

You can configure the first and second visualization to "Ignore Global Filter" in Panel Options. Then when you create a global filter in your dashboard, it will only apply to the 3rd visualization.

I don't think a Markdown would be the best choice for creating a dashboard filter, but maybe you can find a way I didn't think of. As far as I could tell, in Kibana 6.3, when you click on data in a Time Series visualization, it will create a filter that only applies to that single visualization. But if you create a global filter in the dashboard, it will apply to all the visualizations. It will not apply to any visualization that is configured with "Ignore Global Filter" set to "Yes".

This gif shows what I mean. The top visualization ignores the global filter, and the bottom one does not:

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Thank you for your answer. It's a good idea to set the "Ignore Global Filter" to "Yes". I will definitely do that.

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