Change index name in Visualization

Hi All,

Is there a better way to change the index name for a Visualization?

Say I have created a Visualization with index name "test1" and now I have update the index name to "test2".
One way I found is to go to Settings --> Saved Objects --> Visualization tab and select the required Visualization say a pie chart and update the index name in "kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON".



i think that is the only way

Thanks Peter for the quick response.
Do we have any roadmap for adding a feature to Visualization/Dashboard to update index name in a better way, say a dropdown list of all indexes available and user can simply select it and the Visualization/Dashboard is updated with the selected index.

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not that i am aware of but please go on and create an issue on github. thanks!

Thanks Peter! Will create one.

changing index is can be laborious if you have many visualizations, dashboards etc. In this case what I've done is to Export (In Management -> Saved Objects). This would download a JSON (text file) where you can search and replace (e.g using tools like sed) , and then upload it again.


Thanks Ofer! Ya, that is useful if you have many visualizations/dashboards.

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