I have the data as follows:
Server, Application, Status
Computer1, ABC, 1
Computer1, EFG, 1
Computer1, IKJ, 0
Computer2, NMO, 1
Computer2, PQR, 1
Computer2, STU, 1
which means IKJ is show in different color!
I was abled to do it by showing computer1-2 and applicaions on it but the state of Application in different colour was not possible.
You probably just need to split buckets and do another terms aggregation on your application field. In this screenshot I did 2 terms aggregations. One on extension.raw, and then another on agent.raw. This gives me 1 bar for each extension.raw field value, and a stacked section for each agent.raw field. I didn't include the legend for the chart but it lists each agent.raw value.
in the data below onc IKJ (on computer C1)is having status =0 shown in black
Server, Application, Status
C1, ABC, 1
C1, EFG, 1
C1, IKJ, 0
C2, NMO, 1
C2, PQR, 1
C2, STU, 1
Did you try a Heatmap visualization? That might possibly work. Once you have your data split in a Heatmap you can experiment with the order of your aggregations and the options tab for it.
And there's Vega Visualizations which is part of the product and can do a LOT of things other visualizations can't, but there's a bit of learning curve to it. Let me know if the Heatmap doesn't work for you and I'll try to figure out how to do it with Vega, or find someone who can help.
Hi Lee
thanks for those inputs... we are exploring it out now, also checking your suggestion with vega. Will update when we can put something nice for our requirements.
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