Creating alert for custom dashboard


I am having a dashboard like this

I want to create an alert for the partcular panel " Log messages with error" , so that i can get an email alert if the "Error " occurs in that panel. is there any way to do that?

We don't yet have the ability to alert directly from a specific visualization or saved search, but I'd encourage you to follow along with these Github issues for updates on those features:

Currently (as of 7.10), Alerting is only integrated with APM, Metrics, Security, and Uptime.

Depending on what license you have, you may also be able to set up a threshold watch using Watcher as a workaround until more widespread support for Alerting is available.

Hi @lukeelmers . thank you :innocent: . but it would be great if there would be the ability to alert from the specific visualization in the future release.

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