Creating an email connector

What exactly needs to be created for this action ?

I am reviewing the documentation listed here: Email connector and action | Kibana Guide [7.13] | Elastic.

Hi @EvanGertis ! Thanks for reaching out. If you take a look specifically at this section (Email connector and action | Kibana Guide [7.13] | Elastic) of the docs you sent, you should see an example configuration there based on using Gmail as the email provider.

Hey @Michael_Olorunnisola thank you for the quick reply. I'd like to use SES. Have you done this before?

I've only done it with gmail personally, but the configuration will remain the same. Once you set up SES, all you'll need to do is enter the host details and authentication details in the email connector settings. You'll also need to configure whatever email address you wanted to use in the Sender field with SES as well (see: Verifying email addresses in Amazon SES - Amazon Simple Email Service Classic)

Thanks @Michael_Olorunnisola I ended up going with a slack connector because it was easier.

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