Creating visualization using static data


I have ELK stack 7.6.2 running.

Logstash was configured to parse a file which gets generated once every 24 hours and display data as follows (few fields shown below):

#   totalCalls.BServer	3,105,489
#   totalCalls.CSServer	10,146
#   totalCalls.ClcM		5,679,760
#   userCalls.RServer.fiaenv	3
#   userCalls.tanServer.cdvrts	194,795
#   userCalls.tanServer.empty	3
#   userCalls.tanServer.fiaenv	3

I want the entire information to show/ display in one chart. What would be a suitable chart and how can I create visualization based on it?


Your question is not clear.
Why not create a data table?

Hello. I need to show the data graphically.

The data as shown in my original post is key value pairs which I want to present in a graphical layout.


So choose....

Thanks. I understand from where visualizations are selected and sorry for not stating the question clearly.

Question is what type of visualization should I select which depicts all keys showing their values individually in one chart for a particular day (data shown below)? Also if I decide to choose Lens then what should be on X and Y axis etc?

#   totalCalls.BServer	3,105,489
#   totalCalls.CSServer	10,146
#   totalCalls.ClcM		5,679,760
#   userCalls.RServer.fiaenv	3
#   userCalls.tanServer.cdvrts	194,795
#   userCalls.tanServer.empty	3
#   userCalls.tanServer.fiaenv	3

Hope my question is clear.


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