Custom Label for Percentile in Line Graph

I am trying to remove the prefix label "Xth Percentile of" when I am aggregating using percentiles on a field.
Is there a way to make this change because right now if I add the custom Label it updates the custom label text in all the percentiles .
Ex. If I have only a percentile aggregation with 90% and 99% on field YYY with custom label value as XXX, the legends are displayed as "90th percentile of XXX" and "99% percentile of XXX".
I require a way to specify custom labels for each of the "90th percentile of XXX" and "99th percentile of XXX" legends and replace them with X90 and X99.
Is there a way to accomplish this in kibana 5.4?

Sorry, there's not a way to do that.

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