Periodically Kibana or Logstash loses its memory.
Even though I have created and saved dashboards I receive the following message:
Looks like you don’t have any dashboards. Let’s create some!
Similarly with indices and visualizations - none are found.
The data is still intact and once the index is recreated, everything works fine.
I previously installed and removed X-Pack. Is it possible that there is still something that needs cleaning up? reveals the following (snipped):
yellow open wifi-firewalls-2017.07.15 8ROe6dENQsii4CLTgDPTiQ 5 1 12674 0 3.6mb 3.6mb
yellow open wg-firewalls-2017.07.16 fjZ7lIuHS-aMFAYjT_e0-w 5 1 2373882 0 2.2gb 2.2gb
yellow open pfs-firewalls-2017.07.12 8BmTEQgpR46OcOIvHPppEA 5 1 331975 0 169.2mb 169.2mb
yellow open pfs-firewalls-2017.07.17 lvgLze4FStqo-Lsf-iqabA 5 1 348754 0 181.9mb 181.9mb
yellow open ukf-firewalls-2017.07.15 vcbD2_ZwTHyj2g2yJ2Ikug 5 1 87979 0 76.3mb 76.3mb
yellow open .kibana AkYiT9abQBCGR51iRC3WPQ 1 1 5 0 43.8kb 43.8kb
yellow open wifi-firewalls-2017.07.17 W-G5rfjeRk2vMEDigx-Jcw 5 1 19737 0 6mb 6mb
yellow open wg-firewalls-2017.07.18 VP434q-7QVuEGPSkcb-54g 5 1 2707463 0 2.8gb 2.8gb