Data Grid vs Table


I want to display data in tabular format and also give in option to edit/input extra values giving text fields/other input controls inside cell.

Is EuiDataGrid or EuiTable a better option for the same?


Hello @Sheereen ,

I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to achieve through data in tabular format.
You can try enhanced data table plugin.It provides lot of functionality and if you can manipulate data in backend then enhanced table is capable paring html tags in frontend kibana.
Plz read about enhanced data table.

I am creating a custom external plugin.

There, I have some data which I want to display in a table, along with 2/3 columns which will have input fields as cells.

So that the data already there + the new data entered in the last 2/3 columns can be taken to next phase on a button click.

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