Date filter

Is it possible to configure a specific visualization within a dashboard to display data from the last 7 days while the other visualizations in the same dashboard display data for last 3 months? If yes, how can I achieve this?

Hi @Anupama2262

yes, it is possible to configure a per-panel time range.

This depends on the version of Kibana that you are using. But in the most recent version, you can find this in the panel Settings flyout under the "Apply custom time range" toggle:

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Thanks @Marco_Liberati and @Hannah_Mudge .
Like that can I add controls only to specific visualization alone in a dashboard. So, that If I search based on those controls visualization changes only for that one alone not whole dashboard.

Additionally, If I add controls and that control list has null values which I don't want to show to the users how can I remove that

I already filtered based on exists for that field still I am getting null/(empty) values why is that?